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MKTG 485

Class Guide for Dr. Gias's Spring 2017 Marketing Research class

Lit Review Writing Process

Step 1: What are you doing? Write down everything you need to find out. What is your study about - so what topics should your lit review address? What are your search terms?

Step 2: Find your resources. Put your search terms in some databases and the catalog and find the handful of most relevant articles and books.

Step 3: Read and make notes as you go. Highlight or write down the citations in the articles you read that look relevant for your research. Look those articles up, read them, makes notes and highlight citations again! Continue this step until you feel you've found all there is to find.

Step 4: Create an outline for your literature review. Copy and paste the notes from the articles you read into their proper place in the literature review. You can cite an article in more than one place.

Step 5: Turn your outline into a narrative. Be sure to use transitions between your paragraphs so that it flows better than an outline.