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ENGL 102

The Research Process and Creating a Research Strategy

What are your information needs?

You will have more than one. Really spend some time asking yourself, "What is it exactly that I need to know?" You may realize later that you have more information needs than you realized at first. That's ok! Walk yourself through this process again. Can you write out your topic in a sentence? Try it. This can help you to begin thinking of a thesis.


Where do you find the information?

The type of information you need to know can help you figure out where to look for it.

Check out the Information Timeline to learn more about the types of sources you could use.

There are databases for general/background information, Pro-Con viewpoints, statistics, subject-specific journals, and more. 


What are your search terms?

What words do you anticipate being present in your information? These are your search terms! When you are searching for information, you type "search terms" into the search boxes. Try typing your search terms into the databases below. 


Research Strategy 2

What are your synonyms? 

What are other words that mean the same thing as your search terms or broader concepts you should consider? It is good to try a variation of wording to find the most information. Don't give up. Just keep searching with different search terms to expand and/or broaden your results. 

For example, "preschool" - "early childhood education" - "Pre-K" 

General Databases

General Topics Databases

Here are a few databases that cover a wide variety of topics. To see all of the databases we subscribe to, check out Ellender Library's database list.

Academic Search Complete 
The world’s most comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 7,000 full-text periodicals.

JSTOR Arts & Sciences Collection 
Offers full-text access to hundreds of journals in many disciplines of the arts, humanities, sciences, social sciences, business, and education. 

CREDO Reference 
Online research platform for a wide variety of topics. Start your research here for help with choosing a topic and getting background information. The Real-Time Reference in this database helps you get fact-based information with pro vs con viewpoints.

CQ Researcher

 In-depth coverage of the most important issues of the day.