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Intro to Info Lit Classes

Asychronous classes teaching about information literacy for student use, or faculty to assign.

Meet Your Instructors

Accessibility & Technology Tips

Here are some tips for getting better access to the materials for these classes:



  • Log in:
  • If you're off campus, you'll use your Canvas log in to access some of the activities and library resources. 
  • You don't need an account to use Padlet or Kahoot.


  • Videos
  • Captions are available for videos in this module. For most videos you may turn the subtitles on or off by clicking the "CC" button at the bottom right of the video. 


  • Here is what the "CC" button looks like in YouTube: 



  • Access the caption settings in Kahoot videos by clicking the YouTube logo in the bottom right corner.



  • Some videos have captions built in, such as the Instructors' introductions, or a transcript is provided.


  • Padlet:

If your screen doesn't display the colors of the padlets properly, here they are in word form:


Technology Tips


  • Device

We recommend completing these classes using a desktop or laptop. This is so you can interact with the media and activities using multiple tabs in your web browser. 


  • Browser:

We recommend using Chrome or Firefox. 



  • Audio

All videos have sound, so please check your volume and use headphones/earbuds if needed.