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How to Search eLibrary

How to Search 

The drop down menu above gives you several options for searching:

All fields/Keyword: This will search for the term in all areas of the record. Keep your topic to its key concepts for this search.

Author: Use if you know the author's name. You can enter just the last name of the author, or if you know their full name enter is as last name, first name (Example: Dickens, Charles).

Title: Enter either the full title or just a few keywords from the title.  

Subject: This is helpful if you are looking for numerous books on a topic. To the right are some suggestions of subject headings that may be useful in your research. 


Finding Management Books on the Shelf

Ellender Memorial Library uses the Library of Congress Classification system to organize print books. The lists below include call numbers where you can BROWSE the shelves to find something that interests you. Books from similar subject areas can be found together. You also can visit the staff at our Access Services desk on the 2nd floor to get someone to pull a book for you. 

Library of Congress

HD28-70 -- Management. Industrial management

HD39-40.7 -- Capital. Capital investments

HD41 -- Competition

HD45-45.2-- Technological innovations. Automation

HD47-47.4-- Costs

HF5691-5716 -- Business mathematics

HD49-49.5 -- Crisis management. Emergency management. Inflation

HD50-50.5 -- Delegation of authority. Decentralization. Span of control

HD56-57.5-- Industrial productivity

HD58 -- Location of industry

HD58.7-58.95 -- Organizational behavior, change and effectiveness. Corporate culture

HD59-59.6 -- Public relations. Industrial publicity

HD60-60.5 -- Social responsibility of business

HD61 -- Risk in industry. Risk management

HD62 -- Standardization. Simplification. Waste

HD62.2-62.8 -- Management of special enterprises

HD66-66.2 -- Work groups. Team work in industry. Quality circles


New Books

New Management Books

Reference Books


Use these databases and books to learn more about your topic.

Credo Logo

Fondly known as "Wikipedia for Academics," Credo's Literati is a great place to begin your research, particularly for topics you aren't very familiar with. Use this resource to search multiple reference books (dictionaries, thesauri, handbooks, etc.) at once, or search in a particular book listed below.

CQ Researcher is the place to begin for your persuasive or point/counterpoint papers or speech topics. Use this resource to get information on current controversial topics.