Electronic Interlibrary Loan Request
Interlibrary Loan request can be made using this webpage. Please login with your MyNicholls ID/Moodle username and password. If there are any questions or you have trouble logging in, please call the Interlibrary Loan office at 985-448-4666.
Purpose of Interlibrary Loan
Ellender Memorial Library offers ILL services as a supplement to the library’s physical and electronic collection through cooperation with other institutions. Interlibrary loans are intended to give access to materials Ellender Memorial Library does not own. As such, the current collection must be searched before placing an ILL request. There is no guarantee that if a request is submitted, the material will be loaned.
Location and Service Hours
The Interlibrary Loan office is located on the second floor of the Library at the access service desk. Materials may be picked up or returned to Access Services during regular library hours. Patrons are to return items directly to Access Services. ILL items cannot be returned via book drop locations. University and public holidays may affect lending and borrowing capabilities.
Who May Use Interlibrary Loan
ILL services may be used by NSU enrolled students, faculty, staff, retirees, and other Ellender Memorial Library cardholders with an acceptable borrowing status.
Materials Available Through ILL
The lending libraries’ discretion and policies determine what materials and media are lent. Types of materials that are usually obtained through interlibrary loan include books, theses and dissertations, and periodical articles in accordance with copyright law.
Materials Not Available Through ILL
Materials not available through interlibrary loan include, but are not limited to materials that are: temporarily in use, on reserve, in special collections or the Archives, currently owned by this library, journal volumes, recent newspapers, reference materials, and audio/visual materials and films.
How To Use Interlibrary Loan
Before submitting the request, check the online catalogs to ensure material is not available in or through the Library. After confirming that the item is not locally available, complete the ILLiad request. This includes the date items are no longer needed. Completed forms will be processed as they are received. Incomplete forms cause processing delays and request cancellations.
Length of Time To Receive Material
Ellender Memorial Library’s goal is to process the ILL request within the same working day. The length of time for requested material to arrive depends on several factors such as completeness of forms, response time of the lending library, and transit time. Generally, a minimum of 6-8 working days is needed to search, process, and receive each request. Always plan ahead when scheduling research and requesting ILL materials.
Number of Items Limit
Patrons are limited to 20 outstanding ILL requests at one time.
Many libraries in the state and region have ILL reciprocal agreements and there are no fees or photocopy charges.. Every effort is made to locate the lending libraries that do not charge a fee. The requesting patron is responsible for payment which must be rendered when the patron checks out the material. Non-payment of ILL charges can result in the suspension of Library borrowing privileges.
Loan Period
The lending library sets loan periods and other restrictions. Ellender Memorial Library will strictly enforce all limitations the lender requests. Books are not normally renewed, but if a renewal is necessary, the patron should contact the ILL librarian at least four days ahead of the due date. Renewals too are at the discretion of the lending library.
When the material arrives, the patron will be notified by email. Material can be picked up at Access Services on the second floor of the library. Patrons should collect their materials promptly, because loan periods include the time between receipt from the lending library and collection by the patron.
Returning Material
All physical materials borrowed should be returned to Access Services on the second floor of the library. Patrons must leave the ILL identification paper band on the book. Again, patrons are responsible for borrowed material until it is safely returned to ILL personnel. Patrons should return items punctually. To do otherwise jeopardizes all future borrowing privileges.