Plagiarizing at Nicholls
Nicholls State University defines plagiarism in the Student Policy and Procedure Manual (Previously Student Code of Conduct) as "the presentation of the works, words, or ideas of others as one's own, or the use of others' works, words, and ideas without giving proper acknowledgement or the inappropriate presentation of someone else's work as their own" (Definitions, no. 3). Potential consequences of plagiarism include failing the assignment, failing the course, or dismissal from Nicholls State University.
Students are expected to always submit their own work and give proper credit when influenced or guided by the work of others. Resources for students needing more help avoiding plagiarism include:
Plagiarism Video & Academic Integrity Tutorial
The library staff is available to help students any time the library is open!
Email your question: |
Call (985) 448-4654 |
LibGuides: Research & Subject Guides |
Hours for Research Help |
Extra Videos and Interactive Tutorials
The Purdue OWL "Should I Cite This" Poster was originally developed by Rachel Atherton in summer 2020. It was adapted from a physical resource used in the Purdue Writing Lab.