Searching as Strategic Exploration
The Big Questions:
What sources create information related to my information need?
What search strategies and search tools will give me the information I require?
Who are the experts that may aid me?
Do I have enough information?
Research skills will grow as one moves from a novice to expert researcher.
Familiarity with information sources in a particular field is necessary to become an expert researcher.
Information is organized for a purpose.
Initial searches may not produce adequate results.
Guidance from experts may be required.
Student Learning Outcomes: The student will be able to...
Searching for information is often nonlinear and iterative, requiring the evaluation of a range of information sources and the mental flexibility to pursue alternate avenues as new understanding develops.
The act of searching often begins with a question that directs the act of finding needed information. Encompassing inquiry, discovery, and serendipity, searching identifies both possible relevant sources as well as the means to access those sources. Experts realize that information searching is a contextualized, complex experience that affects, and is affected by, the cognitive, affective, and social dimensions of the searcher. Novice learners may search a limited set of resources, while experts may search more broadly and deeply to determine the most appropriate information within the project scope. Likewise, novice learners tend to use few search strategies, while experts select from various search strategies, depending on the sources, scope, and context of the information need.
Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
knowledge practices: "demonstrations of ways in which learners can increase their understanding of these information literacy concepts" or "proficiencies or abilities that learners develop as a result of their comprehending a threshold concept"
dispositions: "ways in which to address the affective, attitudinal, or valuing dimension of learning" or the "tendency to act or think a particular way"
metaliteracy: "renewed vision of information literacy as an overarching set of abilities in which students are consumers and creators of information who can participate successfully in collaborative spaces"